Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome!
I wanted to create a blog dedicated to talking about adaptive technologies and assistive devices for those with PMLD (profound and multiple learning disabilities) and complex physical issues. I have been in the field for about 8 years working with children and young adults to help them to develop their independent use of IT and devices such as VOCAs (voice output communication aids) environmental controls, and powered wheelchairs. Through these technologies people with disabilities can realise their potential like never before.

I hope that in time, this blog will generate useful, practical advice and a network of support to those seeking assistance on such issues.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Question and Answer...

I also offer advice on a forum for the website Netbuddy, below is a question and answer from the forum


Hi Chris, I'm thinking of getting an iPad for my son (19, severe CP) to use at school to Skype us in the evening. Any other ways he could use the iPad? Talking books, for example? I know we could put his iTunes on there and he could update his iPod from it. Just thinking, does he really need something as large as a laptop? He can watch DVD's on his laptop, but if he could do this on the iPad as well, that may be good enough. Any good Apps for those with physical/visual disabilities? Thanks, Erica


Hi Erica, great to hear from you. The Ipad is a fantastic device and for many people with CP and related disabilities it has opened up a new world of fun and interactive enjoyment. Access is always the key though. If your son is able to fairly accurately target on-screen icons with a hand or finger then it sounds like it would be a good option. If not there may be some other similar devices that could be used as an alternative. The RM Slate is a Windows 7 powered device. It looks and feels like an Ipad, however it acts like a touch screen computer. This means that you can install any software on it in the same way you would on a laptop. If your son uses any specialist access devices such as switches then these can be set up in the same way you would a regular computer. Some more information would be good around the way your son currently access a computer, I can then hopefully offer more specific advice.
Here is a link to the RM Slate http://www.rm.com/shops/rmshop/product.aspx?cref=PD1787832

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