Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome!
I wanted to create a blog dedicated to talking about adaptive technologies and assistive devices for those with PMLD (profound and multiple learning disabilities) and complex physical issues. I have been in the field for about 8 years working with children and young adults to help them to develop their independent use of IT and devices such as VOCAs (voice output communication aids) environmental controls, and powered wheelchairs. Through these technologies people with disabilities can realise their potential like never before.

I hope that in time, this blog will generate useful, practical advice and a network of support to those seeking assistance on such issues.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Big Bang for testing visual ability

Big Bang is a fantastic piece of software for testing someone's visual ability. The on-screen animations and graphics are bright and engaging. You can configure animations to move across the screen in many different directions and can set them to leave a trail. The background colour can be changed and there are various different types of activity that can be presented. When unsure of someone's visual capabilities, Big Bang is a fantastic tool to bring out.
Big Bang is also great switch practice for those who are developing cause and effect.  

Please feel free to ask any questions by leaving a comment

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris
    You should take a look at Big Bang Pictures and Big Bang Patterns. We've added some extra features to enhance the work flows that you have described. BB Pictures enables you to present the pictures in a choice of three levels of visual complexity.

    Nice Blog :)

    Ian Bean
    Special Projects Manager Inclusive Technology
