Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome!
I wanted to create a blog dedicated to talking about adaptive technologies and assistive devices for those with PMLD (profound and multiple learning disabilities) and complex physical issues. I have been in the field for about 8 years working with children and young adults to help them to develop their independent use of IT and devices such as VOCAs (voice output communication aids) environmental controls, and powered wheelchairs. Through these technologies people with disabilities can realise their potential like never before.

I hope that in time, this blog will generate useful, practical advice and a network of support to those seeking assistance on such issues.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

What about an ipad?

Specialist technology has now merged with mainstream technology in a new and fascinating way. The ipad and devices such as the ipod and iphone have given us a new platform on which to work when it comes to specialist devices for people with disabilities. It is a fantastic step forward and I hope that it will drive forward new innovative products aimed at the specialist market. In fact it already has and it may be that by the end of this post I end up talking more about these new devices than Apple's technology. The ipad brings touch screen technology into the mainstream, it is now a functional way of using a computer or communication device rather than just a learning tool.

The question is what can the ipad be used for and when should it be used? This is a blog aimed to advise and support those with complex and multiple disabilities so I will also cover when I don't think it should be used. In the hope of keeping my posts short and to the point, I will briefly outline some things to consider when contemplating going down the ipad route.

Essentially it is a touch screen device that, with the right software - or app, can look like and act like a specialist communication device or VOCA (voice output communication aid). It certainly comes in a lot cheaper than Dynavox or Possum devices and it has the added bonus of being very cool! It is a great place to store all your favourite music and films and a great tool to access them from the web if that's where you like to store them. The range and variety of apps (applications) now available for the ipad is endless and there are many created for the disability market.

Access is the key - how do we actually use the device? Well if you can isolate a finger and extend and control your arm enough to hit reasonably sized, on-screen icons (lets say about 2-3 inches square if it is to be functional) then you may find that it can be used as your communication device. There is a great app called proloquo2go that works in the same way as other communication software. Add this to your ipad and you are pretty much good to go. However, you really must consider some key things before you rush out and buy one.

  • How will the device be mounted to a wheelchair - especially a powered wheelchair? As yet (and this doesn't mean to say that someone hasn't worked it out somewhere) I haven't come across a mounting device for the ipad. Not in the way that you can mount a Dynavox,  Possum or some of the other similar, more established specialist products to a swing away arm  for instance. 
  • Is it robust enough for your needs? Are you likely to send it flying across the room? Remember the mainstream stands and mounts may not be designed with complex physical needs in mind.
  • Access - it is only any good if you can use a touch screen. If you access IT using switches then you need to look at something different - as yet you can't use switches with an ipad but watch this space. There are no USB slots on an ipad, although there are adapters available. There won't be any switch adapted apps created yet but I'm sure this is just around the corner.
The Inclusive Slate
  • Visual - Can you see the screen? An obvious one I know but it needs checking out. The screen isn't very large but it is very high quality and good in outdoor light.
 I was hoping to talk about other devices in this post but this topic deserves a post all of its own!

Of course there are many things to consider when looking at communication and IT but I hope I have introduced you to a few key areas to look at when it comes to the ipad.

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