Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome!
I wanted to create a blog dedicated to talking about adaptive technologies and assistive devices for those with PMLD (profound and multiple learning disabilities) and complex physical issues. I have been in the field for about 8 years working with children and young adults to help them to develop their independent use of IT and devices such as VOCAs (voice output communication aids) environmental controls, and powered wheelchairs. Through these technologies people with disabilities can realise their potential like never before.

I hope that in time, this blog will generate useful, practical advice and a network of support to those seeking assistance on such issues.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The Trabasack as an alternative tray....

When assessing people's need for specialist technology, one of the most important areas to consider is their physical positioning and the positioning of their access device, such as a switch or communication aid. The use of a tray can play an important role in both these areas.
When Netbuddy asked me to take a look at a Trabasack I headed straight for Google as I had no idea what it was! The Trabasack website describes it as a 'lap desk and travel bag with a firm flat tray surface.'
It is an ergonomically designed bag that can be placed on someone’s lap and used as a tray. There are a few different designs, varying in size and shape.
I received the ‘Trabasack Connect’ which has a Velcro top to the tray. The first thing I noticed was the weight of the Trabasack. It’s very light and actually slightly smaller than I expected it to be. It has a very neat design and comes with straps that can be attached very easily in different configurations, depending on how the bag is to be held.
It comfortably holds an Ipad or similar tablet device and also works well with various other smaller communication and assistive devices. The hard top and the cushioned bottom mean that any device stored in the bag is very well protected.
I wanted to trial the Trabasack with students in a special school that I work in so – Trabasack in hand – I took it around one morning to see how people reacted to it and how effective it would be.
It excited the staff in particular, as the two things that go everywhere with the students are bags and trays. To integrate the two meant less to carry on the wheelchair.
Many students tried the tray on their laps and it was surprising how well it worked for different students, irrespective of size or physical presentation. The bottom of the Trabasack shapes and moulds to a person's lap and a strap can be positioned to wrap around their waist, securing it in place.
Over the course of a week I held assistive technology assessments and instead of using a regular tray, I actually found that in most cases the Trabasack was a quicker and more efficient approach. The Velcro top meant that switches and mounts could be quickly secured and because it actually rested on the student’s lap it better fit the contour of the body.
It also allowed improved access by the students to devices placed on the tray compared with some wheelchair trays. One problem I often come across is students catching their hands underneath their wheelchair tray as it has to be positioned above the legs. Because the trays are usually solid plastic this can cause discomfort. As the Trabasack actually sits on the legs and it is a softer design this problem was mostly overcome.
I was extremely surprised by the versatility of this simple design. The Trabasack is an efficient and effective device and for many of the students who tried it, it offered a viable alternative to a wheelchair tray, while also offering the function of a modern bag to transport their equipment.
Of course, the Trabasack has its function in many situations and I can safely say that my next Ipad case will certainly now be a Trabasack!"

Monday, 18 July 2011

Question and Answer...

I also offer advice on a forum for the website Netbuddy, below is a question and answer from the forum


Hi Chris
I have twin 14 year old ASD MLD boys who have very poor writing and they will not find it easy to access their senior education over the next 2 years. They do not have work stations at their desks at their special school and they would not find keyboarding very easy, Could you advise us of any adapted technology which would be available to support and open up the boys education which is reasonably priced and accessible. Thank you.


Hi Virgomum – thanks for your question.

It is well worth having a look at Clicker 5 (I talk about this a lot!). Clicker 5 is a fantastic piece of software with a huge range of activities and supportive reading and writing tools. “Write on-line” is a Clicker 5 word processing tool that is designed for learners of your son’s age and incorporates word and symbol prediction along with auditory feedback. With Clicker 5 you can design bespoke “learning grids” for specific activities, tailoring them to an individual’s needs. There are many resources available to purchase covering many areas of the curriculum. There are also free resources available on-line created by other Clicker 5 users. If your sons find it difficult to use a keyboard then you could use an on-screen keyboard in Clicker 5 with the mouse pointer or touch-screen. To break this down even further, switches can be used with an auditory scan to simplify the sequencing process. This could be done with the on-screen keyboard or any of the learning grids. The RM Slate offers all the features of a Windows 7 computer but is easy to transport across the school and between home and school. It is £399 so very reasonably priced. Couple it with Clicker 5 and you have a really flexible, touch-screen, learning platform. Also check out the Intellikeys keyboard and accompanying software– I’m sure you have come across this but if not it may be something that would help.

Here are links to the various products

Clicker 5

The RM Slate


All these products are available to purchase at Inclusive technology


I hope this is of some help, please feel free to ask further questions.